

The Firm
International legal and tax services.

Our Firm offers legal and tax services in civil, mercantile, fiscal and administrative matters. For our extensive experience in the international field, we can offer you full legal and tax advices on matters with a foreign element and assist you in the constitution and management of your economic activity in Spain.

As authorized PAE, we take care of all the procedures to start the economic activity, we constitute your company and we assist you in all aspects related to the management: legal, fiscal, accounting, corporate.

Contact us by phone or email and we serve you in Spanish, German and English.



1. Equipo multidisciplinar de abogados, asesores fiscales y asesores de empresas.

2. Alta especialización: Desde nuestro Despacho asesoramos a particulares y empresas en asunto del Derecho fiscal internacional, mercantil, inmobiliario y administrativo y podemos ofrecer de este modo un alto grado de experiencia especifica.

3. Compromiso y responsabilidad: Como miembros del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Málaga (tanto el Despacho como los Socios) respondemos por nuestro asesoramiento.

4. Colaboradores inscritos en el censo de la Agencia Tributaria Española: Como colaboradores de la AEAT presentamos todas las declaraciones por nuestro Despacho y en su nombre, asumiendo de este modo el compromiso y la responsabilidad (En muchos casos, desgraciadamente, algunos “Gestorías” presentan los impuestos con la propia firma electrónica del cliente, estando este por lo tanto responsable como si las hubiera presentado el mismo.)

5. Copias de todas las declaraciones, pagos y escritos: Nosotros damos por supuesto enviarles copias de todas las declaraciones, pagos y escritos presentados en su nombre.



Si usted ya es cliente o tiene un asunto en concreto, contacte directamente con la persona responsable del correspondiente equipo:


icon nicole 500 02Secretaría & Administración
Nicole Gottschling


icon sander 500 2Fiscal & Empresarial
Christoph Sander
Abogado y Asesor Fiscal, Socio, CEO


icon santos 500x500Laboral
José Francisco Santos Postigo
Abogado y Asesor Fiscal,
Socio, CEO 


icon maria 500x500Legal & Procesal
María Santos Acedo
Abogada, Socia


icon gabriela 500x500Relaciones pùblicas, RR.HH
Gabriela Parrales Ramos
Socia, CHRO, CMO


icon silvia 500x500Autónomos
Silvia Luque Montes
Contable & Asesora Fiscal


icon adrian 500x500Sociedades
Adrián Vera Luque
Asesor Fiscal & Empresarial


icon athina 500x500Gestión fiscal
Athina Benedetti
Asesora fiscal


Legal and tax services
Lawyers and Tax advisers


Legal services

In our experience, it is always better to delimit each specific issue in a personal meeting or by telefone, because most of the issues involve several of the different branches of Law. Even so, clicking on the different links to the right, you may find information about our services regarding administrative, tax, civil and commercial matters.

Our Firm: 

 - International tax law.
- Private international law.
- Real estate law.
- Comercial and corporate law.

Tax and fiscal services

Along with legal and tax advice, we offer assistance in the management of administrative procedures as well as in the filing of tax returns, model 720, self-employment registration, business formation, etc. We also represent you as lawyers before the Tax Agency, we act as your representative in Spain and we receive all the communication through our Firm.

Our services: 

- Tax planning for companies and self-employed.
- Tax declarations for the self-employed.
- Tax returns for Non-residents.
- Presentation IRPF, VAT, withholdings, etc
- International tax planning for individuals.
- Tax planning for companies and self-employed.
- Tax declarations for the self-employed.
- Tax returns for Non-residents.
- Tax declarations for busineses.
- Presentation IRPF, VAT, withholdings, etc


Corporate law and accounting

Apart from the advice itself, we assist you in the management of your economic activity, either as an individual businessman or as a collective businessman or business corporation. As PAE we process the entire self-registration process, we create your company (S.L.), we carry out the accounting and taxation and we manage the request for licenses, responsible statements, etc.

Our services: 

- Registration in autonomous.
- Processing of the "Residence".
- Creation of companies (S.L.).
- Obtaining tourist rental licenses.



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In our blog you may find usefull information

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  whatsapp(+34) 951 12 00 69  

Opening hours: 

8:30 - 13:30 

monday to thursday:  

14:30 - 16:00

Office in Málaga (Spain)   

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(+34) 951 12 00 69
Plaza de la Marina 2, 6º izqa.
29001 Málaga (Spanien)

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